Dear Parents,

Every year the Birmingham Admissions Team removes every applicant from the waiting lists across all schools. This is everyone who has applied for a place at our school for the current year their child is in. If you were on our waiting list, you are more than welcome to reapply for the new academic year in September.
If you would like to reapply, please fill in an ‘In-Year Application Form’ and bring this into our reception after the 5th September 2024.

Many thanks
King Edward VI Lordswood School for Girls

Uniform Guide

The supplier for branded products (Blazer, sports t-shirt and sport jumper) is Clive Mark:

Clive Mark were selected as our supplier following a tendering process where they were identified as the best value supplier.

All other products can be accessed via other retailers or high street stores.

Sixth Form Uniform Guide

Students in the sixth form can wear their own choice of clothes as part of the transition to independent student life.

Students must remember that they are members of the King Edward VI Lordswood School for Girls community and are role models for students in the lower years. We expect students to dress in a manner that is suitable for an educational environment and fits in with our priorities for health, safety and security, and is suitable for learning. 

It is a sixth form privilege to have a reasonable amount of personal choice but students also have a responsibility to dress in the expected manner.  It is possible at times that students may not meet our expectations, and the Sixth Form Team reserves the right to send home any student wearing clothes that are deemed inappropriate for the school environment.  The following list outlines our expectations.  


Students should not wear:

  • Any items that feature provocative images or slogans
  • Clothes that are overly revealing 
  • Ripped jeans, designer or otherwise
  • Footwear which could cause damage to flooring or pose a health and safety risk such as flip flops, high heels or backless footwear
  • Extreme piercings and tattoos are not considered appropriate for the sixth form environment

For safeguarding reasons students must be recognisable as members of King Edward VI Lordswood School for Girls Sixth Form:

ID badges MUST be worn at all times.

Hoods, hats or caps that obscure facial features should not be worn in the school building.

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