Dear Parents/carers
Firstly, I would like to thank you for being so understanding with the challenges that today has posed.  Our electrician and the national-grid engineers have been on site all day and after a few failed attempts, the electricity is now on and working as expected.  The school will therefore be open as usual tomorrow morning.
Thank you for your continued support and understanding
Mrs K. A. Cooney


It is the aim of the department to equip students with the skills and knowledge in Politics that allow them to articulate their views about a wide range of political issues affecting the country.  This will enable students to develop a passion for forming opinions about a range of political issues, as well as considering alternative viewpoints on these issues.

Careers Information

What might studying this subject lead to?

Politics – A range of graduate jobs such as social work, teaching, journalism or working in the civil service. Many former students have gone into law related employment.

The Curriculum
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