Dear Parents,

Every year the Birmingham Admissions Team removes every applicant from the waiting lists across all schools. This is everyone who has applied for a place at our school for the current year their child is in. If you were on our waiting list, you are more than welcome to reapply for the new academic year in September.
If you would like to reapply, please fill in an ‘In-Year Application Form’ and bring this into our reception after the 5th September 2024.

Many thanks
King Edward VI Lordswood School for Girls


In school we have a range of protective measures in place to keep students safe.  These include a filtering service which limits the websites that students can access.

Students will undertake lessons on e-safety throughout their time at King Edward VI Lordswood School for Girls, these will take place in their computing lessons, PSHCE lessons and review time.

Despite these measures, we cannot control what students may access out of school hours.  We encourage parents to monitor their daughters’ use of the internet and mobile phone applications.  

We have collated some information that parents might find useful, please see the links below.

If students are concerned about their online safety they are encouraged to discuss with a family member or a DSL.

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