Dear Parents/carers
Firstly, I would like to thank you for being so understanding with the challenges that today has posed.  Our electrician and the national-grid engineers have been on site all day and after a few failed attempts, the electricity is now on and working as expected.  The school will therefore be open as usual tomorrow morning.
Thank you for your continued support and understanding
Mrs K. A. Cooney


Free School Meals

King Edward VI Lordswood School for Girls has a system for checking eligibility for Free School Meals online. If you receive any of the following benefits then you may be eligible for Free School Meals:

  • Income Support
  • Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • The guaranteed element of Pension Credit
  • Child Tax Credit (provided you’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190)
  • Working Tax Credit run-on – paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit
  • Universal Credit – if you apply on or after 1 April 2018 your household income must be less than £7,400 a year (after tax and not including any benefits you get)

Your child might also be eligible if you’re in a household with no recourse to public funds (NRPF), subject to a maximum income threshold. This is for children of:

  • Zambrano and Chen carers (non-EEA nationals caring for a British citizen residing in the UK)
  • British National (Overseas) passport holders
  • Spousal visa, work visa, or student visa holders
  • Those with no immigration status
  • Families with a right to remain in the UK under Article 8 of the European Convention of Human Rights
  • Families receiving support under Section 17 of the Children Act 1989 who are subject to a no recourse to public funds restriction
  • Certain failed asylum seekers supported under Section 4 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999

Children who get paid these benefits directly, instead of through a parent or guardian, can also get free school meals.

As part of the application you will be required to provide your National Insurance number and confirm that you are in receipt of one of the benefits listed above. You will also need to provide your name, address and date of birth. On completion each applicant will be issued with a unique reference number. Please note, a separate application is required for each child.

The system provides the highest level of data security and will comply with all appropriate regulations and codes of practice.

Please note, parents of children who have sandwiches, by registering for Free School Meals, schools receive additional funding known as the Pupil Premium, which is £1035 per pupil. Even if you do not wish to have a school meal it is important that you complete an application if you are on any of the above listed benefits. Please take the time to complete an application as this funding really does make a difference to school budgets.

If you have any questions regarding Free School Meals  please contact the school office.

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