Dear Parents/carers
Firstly, I would like to thank you for being so understanding with the challenges that today has posed.  Our electrician and the national-grid engineers have been on site all day and after a few failed attempts, the electricity is now on and working as expected.  The school will therefore be open as usual tomorrow morning.
Thank you for your continued support and understanding
Mrs K. A. Cooney



Educational research has shown that homework has a positive impact on outcomes, particularly in secondary schools. 

At King Edward VI Lordswood School for Girls we value the importance of homework and the benefits it has in preparing our students to become independent learners. The homework timetable is shared with all students and parents/carers on the school website.

Teachers will set homework on the allocated day (see homework links below).

Year 7 homework timetable 2024-2025

Year 8 homework timetable 2024-2025

Year 9 homework timetable 2024-2025

Year 10 homework timetable 2024-2025

Year 11 homework timetable 2024-2025

The tasks and deadline (a minimum of two days) given for completion are recorded on Classcharts by the subject teacher. Students may also record this in their planners. Parents/carers can also access this information by logging on to

In line with government guidelines students should spend the following amount of time on  homework:

  • Years 7: ¾ hour to 1 ½ hours per day
  • Year 8: 1 hour to 1 ½ hours per day
  • Year 9: 1 hour to 1 ½hours per day 
  • Years 10: 1 hour to 2 hours per day
  • Year 11: 1 ½  hours to 2 ½  hours per day
  • Years 12 and 13: 5 hours per subject per week

The frequency of homeworks set for Years 7-9 have been determined by the amount of curriculum time given to each subject:

  • English, mathematics, modern foreign languages and science homework will be set weekly
  • Art, computing, DT, geography, history, PSHCE and RE homework will be set fortnightly
  • Drama and music will set when required

 To ensure the tasks set are meaningful and will help to enhance the learning of students, there may be some flexibility within certain subjects. 

Homework activities vary and will take the form of one or more of the following:


A task will be given to prepare for the subsequent lesson. This is often called ‘flipped learning’. It is important that this task is completed so that full participation can take place in the lesson and activities completed.


Practice is the key to really understanding or doing something really well. Remember the phrase, ‘practice makes perfect’! Students should not worry if they get stuck or make a mistake when completing this type of homework. They should keep on trying, use feedback and learn from mistakes.


Reflecting on mistakes or what is not understood is an important part of learning. Teachers may ask students to identify parts of a topic that they do not understand or to think about how a piece of work  can be improved or to correct mistakes. Thinking about learning is called meta-cognition.

KS4 and KS5 coursework

Coursework deadlines are set throughout the year therefore it is important to organise time available carefully in order to meet deadlines. 

Opportunities for students without internet access to complete homework are provided after school through homework clubs. 

Independent learning

All students have an account with the online platform GCSEPod. This resource can be used to access short videos to either revisit lesson content or to gain an insight into forthcoming topics. Whilst this is primarily for key stage 4, it can also be used by key stage 3 students. There are, additionally a number of educational platforms that are recommended by individual subject areas, including the following:

All subjects



French and Spanish


All parents can see all homework set by logging on to their parent account on classcharts.  If you are struggling to gain access please email and someone will be in touch to support.

From September 2024 – parents will also be able to check whether homework has been submitted via the same app.

If you know your daughters teaching groups, you can also see all homework set via the following link:


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