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SEN Information Report

All schools are supported to be as inclusive as possible, with the needs of pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities being met in a mainstream setting wherever possible.

The four broad ‘areas of need’ are defined as:

Communication and Interaction (C&I), Cognition and Learning (C&L), Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties (SEMH), and Sensory and Physical Needs (S&P).

From the 1st September 2014, under Section 65 (3) (a) of the Special Educational Needs (Information) Regulations, all schools are required to publish an SEN Information Report on their school websites.

This report must contain SEN information as is set out in the Schedule, as well as utilising the Local Authority (LA) Local Offer. Consequently, the report should meet the needs of SEN pupils as determined by school policy and the provision that the school is able to determine.

Further information on the Schedule and Birmingham Local Offer can be found by following this link. (It includes information about the wide range of services that are available to support all areas of a child’s life (0-25) especially those with a Special Educational Need or Disability (SEND). This includes support with education, physical and mental health, social care, leisure activities and moving towards independence and adulthood.

Our SEN Policy, Accessibility Policy and Plan can be found on the main menu of our school’s website.

SEND Information Report

This information is published in conjunction with our Local Offer which can be found on the school website.

Associate Assistant Headteacher for Inclusion (SENDCo): Mrs Sarah Clews Tel: (0121) 429 2838

1. What kinds of special educational needs does the school make provision for?

King Edward VI Lordswood School for Girls cater for a wide range of special educational needs, disabilities and medical needs. These include autism, dyslexia, ADHD, learning difficulties, physical difficulties such as diabetes and visual impairment, speech and language delay and other emotional difficulties.

Working closely with parents and professionals, we will always seek to teach every student so they can achieve their best.

2. How does the school know if students need extra help and what should I do if I think that my child may have special educational needs?

If a student is transferring from a different setting, the school will be informed and a process put in place to ensure successful transition, which may include visits to previous school, conversations with the SENDCo or the student visiting King Edward VI Lordswood School for Girl’s on one or more occasion prior to transfer.

Within school, the progress of every student is carefully tracked and any concerns because of these assessments or professional observations will be raised with the parent by the Achievement Co-ordinator or the SENDCo. Similarly a parent with concerns about their child should initially speak to their child’s Review Tutor, Subject Teacher, Achievement Co-ordinator, SENDCo. The SENDCo will stay in contact with the parent whilst looking into those concerns. The SENDCo will discuss, decide and record an action plan which will then be reviewed as regularly as required.

3. a) How does the school evaluate the effectiveness of its provision for students with special educational needs?

The subject staff closely monitor the progress, achievements and overall well-being of every student in their group. In addition to this the Director of Inclusion will liaise with the Achievement Co-ordinators to monitor the progress of students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.

Any interventions which are carried out to support a student are carefully tracked and monitored to ensure that they are having the required positive impact. Regular reports are provided to governors who monitor the students’ work to ensure the progress of students and the SEND governor regularly comes into school to meet with the Director of Inclusion.

b) How will both the school and I know how my child is doing and how will the school help me to support their learning?

All students at King Edward VI Lordswood School for Girls are set ambitious yet achievable targets in all areas of their learning. Throughout the year there are interim reports and Parents’ Evenings; however, the Director of Inclusion is always happy to talk to any parent about their child and additional meetings can be arranged at mutual convenience.

c) What is the school’s approach to teaching students with special educational needs?

As a school we believe in quality first teaching; we seek to deliver a broad, balanced, engaging and fully inclusive curriculum so that all students are given the opportunity to reach their potential and see themselves as learners. Appropriate interventions are put into place for any student, with or without special educational needs, who are not making expected progress.

We support students with special educational needs and disabilities by providing differentiated learning materials and the use of appropriate equipment as recommended by outside agencies to meet their individual needs. Students can sometimes be taught with Teaching Assistant support in whole class situations, small groups or one to one work where this is considered appropriate.

Specialist equipment and resources are used when requested by specialists and training undertaken by staff: for example, we provide enlarged materials and overlays for any student who needs them.

There is a graduated response to a student’s needs depending on the complexity of the need; support and expertise are sought from a range of outside agencies where required.

Parents and carers are consulted about all choices that are made concerning their child.

d) How will the curriculum and learning be matched to my child’s needs?

Every teacher is responsible for the learning in their classroom; the delivery of the curriculum is differentiated to cater for the varying abilities of the students in the class. The approach to teaching students with special educational needs and disabilities listed above is employed when the needs of a student are outside the regular parameters seen within a class.

e) How are decisions made about the type and amount of support my child will receive?

All decisions about the type and amount of support that a student receives will be an on-going collaboration between the student, parent, teachers, Director of Inclusion, outside agencies, Senior Leadership Team, Headteacher and Governors. Working closely with parents and professionals, we will always seek to teach every student so they can achieve their best; the type and level of support remains fluid depending on the specific needs of the student at any particular time.

If the needs and required provision meet the criteria for additional funding from an outside source then a bid for that funding will be written by the Director of Inclusion and sent to SENAR to further aid the support for that individual student.

f) How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom, including school trips?

All students are included in school activities and trips wherever possible. Where students have additional needs there will be a student specific risk assessment completed and where appropriate support will be put in place to ensure a safe and successful trip for all, this may include a teaching assistant accompanying a student who has an EHCP or statement if appropriate.  

g) What support will there be for my child’s overall well-being?

The staff who work at King Edward VI Lordswood School for Girls strive to foster very positive relationships with students. The Students are encouraged to discuss any issues they have, whether educational or social, with their teachers, Achievement Co-ordinator, Review Tutor, or subject teachers or students can be referred to an appropriate outside agency if needed. The School Nurse can be accessed by students who might need some extra emotional support and referrals can be made to Place 2 Be or Place 2 Talk.

4. Who is the school’s Director of Inclusion’ and what are their contact details?

Mrs Sarah Clews s.clews@lsg.kevibham.org 
Tel: 0121 429 2838

5. a) What training have staff supporting special educational needs had and what is planned?

The Director of Inclusion receives training from various local and national providers on a wide range of conditions such as Autism, Dyslexia, Visual impairment etc. Mrs S Clews has also completed her Post Graduate Certificate in SENCO training. This understanding is then delivered to the school staff in staff meetings, or individual coaching when the need arises.

The Director of Inclusion, teachers, Teaching Assistants, other non-teaching support staff and governors also access training to learn how to support students with specific needs such as diabetes.

b) What specialist services and expertise are available or accessed by the school?

If, once the progress of a student has been monitored and strategies discussed with parents, it is considered that additional expertise is desirable then these outside specialist services can be accessed by the Director of Inclusion. Signed parental permission forms are required so that the student can be referred and additional services can be accessed to support the student. The school has access to a wide range of additional services for example Sensory Support (SS) Services, the school nurse and the educational psychologist (EP); whilst referrals to other agencies are made through the completion of the relevant forms for example NHS Speech and Language referrals.

6. How will equipment and facilities to support students with special educational needs be secured?

The school provides any appropriate equipment and facilities that a student with special educational needs or disability may need. This equipment will have been identified by an outside agency as required by the student in order for them to best access their learning.

7. How accessible is the school environment?

There is no access to the first floor and second floor in the main building other than by staircases and this means that students with mobility issues may be unable to access the specialist teaching rooms for design technology, art and media studies.  Some areas of the school are accessible by wheelchair. Ramps are provided near stepped areas and two disabled parking bays are available in the staff car park.  Accessible toilet facilities are available on the ground floor.

The school’s accessibility plan is contained within the Equality Policy and can be accessed on our website.

8. a) What are the arrangements for consulting parents of students with special educational needs? How will I be involved in the education of my student?

Parents are encouraged to speak to their child’s Review Tutor or Achievement Co-ordinator with any questions or concerns; these meetings can be arranged via the school office. In addition meetings are held to discuss targets and achievements with the Director of Inclusion for students with complex needs for example during EHCP transfers.

Parents can make an appointment to see the Director of Inclusion by emailing the above email address or contacting the school office. For a student to reach their potential it is important for the parent to be fully involved. The Director of Inclusion is also available to discuss any concerns a parent has about their child, whether or not they presently have a recognised learning need or disability.

b) What are the arrangements for consulting young people with SEND and involving them in their education?

Students are involved with their target setting. Students attend meetings with their Review Tutor. In order to motivate the student, teachers ensure that they get to know the student so they can tailor the provision in school to meet their learning style and interests.

9. What do I do if I have a concern or complaint about the SEND provision made by the school?

Parents are encouraged to bring any concerns to the attention of the Director of Inclusion. For more detailed information please refer to the Complaints Policy on the school’s website.

10. How does the governing body involve other organisations and services (e.g. health, social care, local authority support services and voluntary organisations) in the meeting the needs of students with special educational needs and supporting the families of such students?

The Director of Inclusion is usually the person who involves other organisations and services and reports directly to the Senior Leadership Team; the Director of Inclusion also reports to the governor with specific responsibility for Special Needs. Governors can see the data that informs them of the progress made by students with additional needs in order that they can ask questions to ensure that all students’ needs are being met.

11. How does the school seek to signpost organisations, services etc. who can provide additional support to parents/carers/students?

The Director of Inclusion can signpost parents to the wide range of support organisations and groups available in the community. As discussed above, the Director of Inclusion can also access the professionals who can offer the specific support required for the student’s needs in order to work directly with the student or to offer advice to parents or staff.

The school website is a resource that can be used by parents of students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities; it is updated regularly with new information. The School Nurse is available to add expertise and signposting that is more specifically related to health and mental-wellbeing and has weekly drop in sessions; this service can be accessed by the Intervention and Inclusion team.

12. How will the school/setting prepare my child to:

i) Join the school?

King Edward VI Lordswood School for Girls work hard to ensure that students have a smooth transition into the school. The school works closely with parents and any outside agencies involved with students who enter with a recognised need and we seek to do all we can to meet the need in the setting from the day they arrive. Any adjustments from that point will be completed quickly to ensure that the student can access their education effectively; their well-being is paramount.

ii) Transfer between phases of education (e.g. primary to secondary, secondary to Post 16 education)

King Edward VI Lordswood School for Girls understand the importance of carefully considered transition plans for students with additional needs. In any transfer the important element is communication so that information about that student and how they learn best is communicated clearly. The amount and nature of the visits to the new setting are decided with the student at the centre of the process; each of these transitions seeks to predict possible issues that may arise and to pre-empt as many as possible so that the student feels equipped to begin the next part of their journey.

iii) How will school help to prepare my child for adulthood?

King Edward VI Lordswood School for Girls and work hard to encourage independence and confidence in all students. Questioning and independent thought are fostered through positive relationships and a safe environment to learn and explore their relationship with the wider world. Issues such as independent travel are tackled in conjunction with appropriate outside agencies. Students are encouraged to consider careers throughout school through our PSHCE programme. As students move into year 9 and key stage 4 specific advice and information is given around option choices and career guidance.

13. Where can I access further information?

For further information please refer to the school website; specifically the Special Needs and Disabilities Policy or the school’s SEND local offer. To have specific questions or concerns answered please contact the SENDCo on the above email address.  Information on the School’s SEND Local Offer can be found on the website.

Birmingham Local Offer

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