Dear Parents,

Every year the Birmingham Admissions Team removes every applicant from the waiting lists across all schools. This is everyone who has applied for a place at our school for the current year their child is in. If you were on our waiting list, you are more than welcome to reapply for the new academic year in September.
If you would like to reapply, please fill in an ‘In-Year Application Form’ and bring this into our reception after the 5th September 2024.

Many thanks
King Edward VI Lordswood School for Girls

Year 13

Your first point of contact should be your child’s review tutor.  They can be contacted via the school office.  The email address for all queries is 

Please make sure you state the full name of the child, their return tutors name and a brief summary of your enquiry on the email.  This helps the office team to direct the email to the correct person.  If your enquiry is of a more serious nature then please address the email for the attention of Mrs Waraich (Post 16 Achievement coordinator)

Year 13 Review tutors 2023-24

Review groupReview tutorReview roomWet break/lunch room
13.1A Crosby124Post 16 space
13.2M Rahim 118Post 16 space
13.3M O’Neill117Post 16 space
13.4J KlerSF8Post 16 space
13.5N Ghalib (Tues,Weds,Thurs) & N Goetschel (Mon,Thurs)007Post 16 space
13.6F Jhalli (Tues,Weds,Thurs) & S Clarkson (Mon,Fri)SF8Post 16 space


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