Dear Parents/carers
Firstly, I would like to thank you for being so understanding with the challenges that today has posed.  Our electrician and the national-grid engineers have been on site all day and after a few failed attempts, the electricity is now on and working as expected.  The school will therefore be open as usual tomorrow morning.
Thank you for your continued support and understanding
Mrs K. A. Cooney


Locker Rental

There are a large number of lockers available for parents to rent for their child.  King Edward VI Lordswood School for Girls does not own these lockers, rental is co-ordinated by an external company.   Parents can rent a locker via the link below.

We do not allow students to keep phones in their pockets or bags, if students choose to bring a phone to school, they must be stored in a locker or handed in to reception for safekeeping during the day.  It is therefore not compulsory to rent a locker although highly recommended if they would prefer not to hand their phones in each day.

Students can access lockers before school, at breaktime, lunchtime and after school.  They are not permitted to access lockers between lessons.

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