Dear Parents/carers
Firstly, I would like to thank you for being so understanding with the challenges that today has posed.  Our electrician and the national-grid engineers have been on site all day and after a few failed attempts, the electricity is now on and working as expected.  The school will therefore be open as usual tomorrow morning.
Thank you for your continued support and understanding
Mrs K. A. Cooney


Year 8

Your first point of contact should be your child’s review tutor.  They can be contacted via the school office.  The email address for all queries is 

Please make sure you state the full name of the child, their return tutors name and a brief summary of your enquiry on the email.  This helps the office team to direct the email to the correct person.  If your enquiry is of a more serious nature then please address the email for the attention of Miss N Harper  Pastoral Manager for Years 8 & 9

Year 8 Review Tutors 2024-25

Review groupReview tutorReview roomWet break/lunch room
8DH Cross and R Mann (Tues,Wed,Thurs)123123
8GS Patel and S Swallow (Tues, Wed, Fri)109109
8LE Blackwood108108
8RJ Ramsey111111
8SA Crosby121121
8WP Burrell120120

Year 8 Curriculum Evening – 2nd November 2023

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