Senior Leadership Team

  • KCo Mrs K Cooney – Headteacher
  • KAd Mrs K Adamson Deputy Headteacher – Quality of Education
  • LBe Mrs L Betty Deputy Headteacher – Pastoral and attitudes to learning (Lead DSL)
  • LFi Mrs L Finucane Assistant Headteacher – Personal Development 
  • LVe Mrs L Verma Assistant Headteacher – Data, Assessment and Outcomes 
  • SCl Mrs S Clews – Associate Assistant Headteacher for Inclusion
  • DDo Mrs D Dodd – Support Services Manager

Extended Leadership Team

  • KLe Mrs K Leadbetter – Director for Post 16
  • CHa Miss C Hart – Director for Professional Development
  • MPa Mr M Pearce – Specialist Leader in Education
  • LSi Mrs L Siviter – Specialist Leader in Education
  • JRo Mrs J Hughes KS4  Mathematics Coordinator

English Department

  • NGo Mr N Goetschel – Lead Professional in English
  • ACR Miss A Crosby Second in English
  • ABa Mrs A Barrell Teacher of English
  • DPe Ms D Peniket Teacher of English
  • JRa Ms J Ratajska Teacher of English
  • HCR Mrs H Cross Teacher of English and Assistant SENDCO
  • HWi H Wilkins Teacher of English
  • KHa Mrs K Hartland Teacher of English & Coordinator for Rights Respecting School

Mathematics Department

  • MPa Mr M Pearce  – Lead Professional in Mathematics
  • JTr Mr J Trewin Second In Department -Teacher of Mathematics & STEM Coordinator
  • JRo Mrs J Hughes KS4  Mathematics Coordinator
  • JKl Mr J Kler KS5 Mathematics Coordinator
  • AHu Mr A Hussain Teacher of Mathematics
  • SNo Miss S Noor Teacher of Mathematics
  • ASa Ms A Sadka Teacher of Mathematics
  • MBh M Bhutani – Teacher of Mathematics

Science Department

  • SHa Mrs S Healey – Lead Professional in Science
  • JBr Mrs J Brook KS5 Physics Coordinator
  • AGr Mr A Green Teacher of Physics
  • KAd Mrs K Adamson Teacher of Science
  • LCp Miss L Cooper Teacher of Biology
  • SDu Miss Duggal Teacher of Biology
  • SJh Mrs F Sumble Jhalli Teacher of Science
  • LVe Mrs L Verma Teacher of Science
  • RWh Mrs R Waheed Teacher of Science    
  • DBh Ms D Bhogal Science Technician
  • EBl E Blackwood – Second in Department for Science

Art & Design Department

  • KTo Miss K Tooley – Lead Professional in Art
  • MAd Miss M Anderson Lead Professional in Art
  • RRa Ms R Ramdewor Teacher of Art
  • DCl Miss D Clarke Teacher of Art

Business Studies Department

  • RWa Mrs R Waraich – Lead Professional in Business Studies
  • KDa Ms K Davies Teacher of Business Studies
  • RMA Mrs R Mann Teacher of Business Studies

Drama Department

  • SSw Mrs S Swallow – Lead Professional in Drama

Food and DT Department

  • PFa Mrs P Faulkner – Lead Professional in Food technology
  • JRe Mrs J Gordon-Redmond Food Technology Technician

Geography Department

  • LBk Miss L Baker Lead Professional for Geography
  • SWA Mrs S Warwood Teacher of Geography
  • LPr Mrs L Price Teacher of Geography

Health Studies Department

  • IHu Mrs I Hussain Teacher of Health & Social Care

History Department

  • MRa Miss M Rahim-Lead Professional in History
  • LBr Miss L Branson-Harper Teacher of History
  • ALo Mr A Lovejoy Teacher of History

ICT, Media & Computing Department

  • LVn Mrs L Venn – Lead Professional in ICT & Computing
  • TAl Mrs T Alavudeen Teacher of Computer Science
  • RMA Mrs R Mann Teacher of ICT
  • LFi Mrs L Finucane Teacher of Computer Science
  • Kle Mrs K Leadbetter Teacher of Media & Film Studies

MFL Department

  • ECa Ms E Carriere – Lead Professional In Modern Foreign Languages
  • LSi Ms L Siviter – Teacher of Modern Foreign Languages and Achievement Coordinator Year 10 & 11
  • TFl Mrs T Flox Nieva -Teacher of Modern Foreign Languages
  • ANe Miss A Nearn – Teacher of Modern Foreign Languages
  • ASo Mrs A Southerton Teacher of Modern Foreign Languages
  • SVe Ms S Velazquez – Teacher of Modern Foreign Languages

Music Department

  • IPa Mr I Parry – Lead professional in Music
  • JRa Mr J Ramsey Teacher of Music

Physical Education Department

  • EWa Mrs E Aston – Lead Professional in Physical Education
  • KVi Mrs K Vine Teacher of Physical Education
  • CHa Miss C Hart Teacher of Physical Education
  • AUf Mrs A Uffindall Teacher of Physical Education
  • JJO Miss J Johnson  Teacher of Physical Education

PSHCE Department

  • MON Mrs M O’Neill – Lead Professional in PSHCE & Careers (CEIAG)
  • GKh Ms G Khatoon Teacher of PSHCE

RE Department

  • FAr Miss F Arif-Khan – Lead Professional in RE
  • NGh Ms N Ghalib – Lead Professional in RE
  • NAk Ms N Akhtar Teacher of RE
  • CDe Miss C Delaney Lead Professional of RE

Sociology & Government & Politics Department

  • TWe Mr T Wells – Lead Professional in Sociology & Government & Politics

Pastoral Support

  • AUf Mrs A Uffindall – Achievement Coordinator – Inclusion
  • MMc Mr M McDonald – Family Support Worker and Isolation Manager
  • PMc Mrs P McKenzie – Intervention & Behaviour Support Manager 
  • DPe Ms D Peniket – Achievement Coordinator for Year 7 & KS2 – KS3 Transition 
  • FBr Miss F Briggs – Achievement Coordinator for Years 8 & 9
  • LSi Mrs L Siviter – Achievement Coordinator for Years 10 & 11
  • RWa Mrs R Waraich – Achievement Coordinator – Y12 & 13
  • DBa Mrs D Baxter – Behaviour Mentor
  • SGi Mr S Gibson – Post Sixteen Student Support Coordinator

Inclusion team

  • RSi Mrs R Sihre – Senior Teaching  Assistant (Autism Specialism)
  • GGa Ms G Gass Teaching Assistant (Dyslexia Specialism)
  • MPo Ms M Pollard Teaching  Assistant (Visual and Hearing Impairment specialism)
  • KLi Ms K Liu Teaching Assistant Physical Needs, OT, Physio, PDSS
  • NSu Ms N Sungusia Teaching Assistant Speech, Language and Communication Needs
  • CAn Miss C Andrews Teaching Assistant Social and Emotional Needs / SEMH

Administrative support

  • KDe Mrs K Dean – Student Services and Administration Manager 
  • JCl Mrs J Clarke – Media Officer/Administrator
  • NLa Miss N Lawlor – Student Support Administrator
  • LMo Miss L Morgan – Receptionist/Administration Assistant
  • NIn Miss N Ingram – Receptionist/Administration Assistant
  • ACo Miss Amy Coggins – Receptionist/Administration Assistant
  • SCh Miss S Chahal – Attendance & Medical Needs Officer
  • GTh Mrs G Thomas – Post 16 Attendance & Bursary Support Officer

Careers Department

  • MOn Mrs M O’Neill – Careers Co-ordinator 
  • RMc Mrs R McInerney – Work Placement & Employer Engagement Coordinator
  • MJo Mrs M Johal – Independent Careers advisor


  • MFo Mr M Fox Cover – Exam Officer/Cover Coordinator/DofE Coordinator 
  • SBe Mrs S Begum – Cover Supervisor
  • MRA Miss M Ramsay – Cover Supervisor

Data & Examinations

  • AEv Ms A Evans – Assessment & Data Manager


  • NCo Mrs N Coggins – Finance & Business Support Officer

IT Support

  • WMa Mr. W Machin – Network Systems & Strategic Development Manager
  • LNi Mr L Nicholas – Curriculum & Technical Support Coordinator
  • BTa Ms B Tajti – IT Technician Apprentice

Human Resources / Payroll

  • SAl Mrs S Allport – PA to Headteacher & SLT
  • LFa Mrs L Farr – HR & Payroll Assistant 


  • MPo Ms M Pollard


  • RDh Mr R Singh Dhanda – Premises, Health and Safety Development Manager

Lunchtime supervisors

  • KHO Miss K Horsley
  • JLL Miss J Lloyd
  • JCo J Conway
  • WTa Miss W Taroni 

If you need to contact a member of staff at the school please email
Please include:

  • Name of the student
  • Review Group 
  • Name of the member of staff to whom you would like the message directed
  • Brief summary of what the communication is regarding

 Whilst staff will endeavour to reply as soon as possible, this could take up to five days (due to timetable commitments).  If you require a reply sooner, please phone the school office.

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