Administering Medicine in School
Doctors are able to prescribe medication to be taken outside of school hours for most short term medical conditions. Where this is not possible, the School requires parental authorisation for all medication which is to be taken during school hours.
Whilst we encourage students to be responsible for their own medication, not all medications are allowed to be carried on their person and may be required to be held in the school office until they need to use it.
If your child requires medication and you are unable to call into school to sign the necessary forms, please print off and complete the relevant forms below, dependent on the type of medication obtained. Please note Form B (either B1 or B2) are to be completed for every item of medication to be taken.
Once completed send these in with the medication via your child to hand into reception.
Printable Forms
Prescribed Medication Forms
B-1 Administration of Prescribed Medicines Consent
Over the Counter Medication Forms