Year 7 National Offer Day – Monday 3rd March 2025
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Geography is a unique subject because it looks at both the physical structure of the planet and the social structure (i.e.. how we affect our environment and how it affects us) in the past, present and future. Geography is also a facilitating subject which means that it can be useful for a whole range of university courses and will help you keep your options open.

Why choose this?

Candidates with A Level geography have access to a wide range of possible careers and higher education opportunities. Skills that you develop include collecting, analysing and interpreting data, communicating your findings, and developing links between different parts of the subject. Geography graduates are some of the most employable graduates because of their broad skills base and understanding of the world that we live in. Traditional geography careers include: town planner, meteorologist, climatologist, volcanologist, tourism, teaching, civil servant, working in environmental agencies, water and forestry commissions, and resource management. However, being a geography graduate is not restrictive; geography graduates can easily enter other careers, including journalism, business, law, accountancy, banking and insurance.

I think geography is great, it challenges the brain and makes you think about the little things. It’s also so much more than about geography, it contains different elements that blend together for a better more fulfilling experience.  I took A level geography because I enjoyed the learning and the thoughts behind it, it’s a good course that gives you the skills for everything.  The things I have leant in geography can be used in many different areas of my future, for example, I can be more confident and find it easier to think about the reasoning behind certain aspects. It’s also helped improve my English skills and allows you to become a better person.

A Level Geography student

Areas of study & assessment

  • Component 1: Physical Geography: Water and carbon cycles; Coastal systems and landscapes; Hazards
  • Component 2: Human Geography: Global systems and global governance; Changing places; Contemporary urban environments 
  • Component 3: Geographical Investigation


  • Geography mentor scheme 
  • Compulsory fieldwork trips
  • Conferences and masterclasses
  • University visits


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