Year 7 National Offer Day – Monday 3rd March 2025
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This course requires the study of British and global politics, in addition to a range of political ideologies.

Why choose this?

Students with an A Level in politics have progressed to degree programmes in areas such as: politics (domestic and foreign), law, international relations, history, journalism, archaeology, American studies and education. As a highly respected A Level, government and politics will be given high consideration when applying for any university course so long as you meet the course core requirements. For example, some politics students are now studying pharmacy and medicine.

By the end of your A Level you will be able to analyse and evaluate political institutions, processes and behaviour, political arguments and explanations and have a deeper understanding of the relationship between institutions, processes, ideologies, concepts, behaviour and values.

I would really recommend government and politics as an A level to anyone who wants to deepen their understanding of current affairs and how and why our government functions the way it does. It is valued highly by universities and it can lead to a whole range of career options – not just a politician! You need to be a student who enjoys debating issues and considering issues from different points of view. I particularly like discussing controversial issues and exploring the range of opinions. I have become an expert in lots of different areas of politics, from how the government works to controversial social issues and it makes me feel more intelligent and informed outside of school. I really enjoy explaining to my parents and friends the stories that appear on the news. If you take an interest in current affairs, then researching contemporary examples of the topics covered in lessons comes naturally! My writing style has also really improved due to politics and I have learnt how to develop my arguments with more sophistication and a much better vocabulary.

A Level Government & Politics student

Areas of study & assessment

Unit 1: UK Politics & Core Political Ideas: Democracy and participation, political parties, electoral systems, voting behaviour and the media, liberalism, conservatism, socialism

Unit 2: UK Government & Non-Core Political Ideas: Constitution, parliament, Prime Minister and executive, relationships between the branches, feminism.

Unit 3: Comparative Politics: Globalisation, global governance, human rights, power relations between nations, the European Union and theories of international relations.

In Year 12 you will study UK politics and UK government.
In Year 13 you will study global politics and political ideologies.

100% examination.


  • Visiting speakers; Lord Hunt, Preet Gill and others
  • Trip to Parliament and Supreme Court
  • Visit to Conservative/Labour Party Conference
  • Visit to Birmingham Council Chamber for Question Time

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