Year 7 National Offer Day – Monday 3rd March 2025
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In photography, you will be introduced to a variety of practices exploring lens-based and light-based media.  A range of traditional and new technologies are explored, along with exciting experimental photographic image making techniques.  You will explore relevant images, artefacts, artists and resources relating to lens-based and light-based media from the past and present, including examples from around the world. These are integral to investigating and developing stages of your independent study, and open up ways into examining your own ideas. Work is presented in sketchbooks or digital portfolios in a sophisticated manner to clearly demonstrate meaning.  Your investigation will be resolved in the form of final, edited photographic images, installations, sculptures and more. 

Why choose this?

Students who enjoy practical, creative, contemporary, imaginative subjects should choose to study photography. Those who value the opportunity to express their ideas and opinions through visual studies and photographic techniques, and any students who enjoy developing new ideas will enjoy this course. Photography can give you an excellent basis for improving your communication skills and can help you to develop resilience and independence.

I chose to study photography because I find it fascinating and I wanted to explore life in a photographic way so I could interpret the photograph in my own way and other ways. I enjoy studying photography because the majority of the lessons are practical and in those lessons I explore and experiment with different and new materials, artists etc. It has helped me to develop a new perspective of the world. My favourite lessons are when I get to use the darkroom to experiment with film as I find it mesmerising to watch the prints being slowly developed. Using the film camera and developing them in a darkroom were skills that I have newly developed in this subject. Photography has given me a different perspective when viewing photographs and has made me see people, lifestyles and the world in a different way.

A Level Photography student

Areas of study & assessment

Initial experimental period with individual workshops to introduce a broad range of materials, techniques and processes to ensure that you can make independent decisions about which media to specialise in for Component 1 the personal investigation. 

Spring term Year 12 – Component 1: Extended project, the theme of which is decided by each student, to include a1000-3000 word essay. 

Spring Year 13 – Component 2: Externally set unit of work with set project brief culminating in examination.


  • Trips to local galleries
  • Location photo-shoots
  • Trip to London
  • Workshops with galleries
  • Degree show visits to local universities.
  • After school clubs
  • Opportunities to support in lower school lessons

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