Examination Results Day Thursday 22nd August 2024 Your results will be available for collection from 9.00am - 10.30am enrolment will start at 9.30 am Please come to the sixth form block.

Year 7 National Offer Day – Monday 3rd March 2025
Please click the link below for more information about offers, refusals and our waiting list.



Do you have an interest in health, fitness or sport? Are you inspired by one of the fastest growing global industries? Do you have the components to be an elite level performer?  If you have a passion for sport then through this course you will enjoy exploring the history of sport, how your body responds to exercise and why you do not always perform at your best for an important game or competition. 

This diverse course allows you to develop your own sporting ability, whilst bridging the divide between the arts and sciences. The PE Department at Lordswood will help to support each student through both the theoretical and practical components, encouraging students to develop the excellence required to perform at the elite level of sport and inspire students to develop their own ethos for success within the sixth form.

Why choose this?

The A Level in physical education is taught by very knowledgeable and skilled staff who will help provide every possible opportunity for students to be successful. It will give students the opportunity to study a more practical subject that complements other A Level choices very well.

PE is a great A Level choice as it is a challenging subject that tests not only your practical ability and fitness but also your scientific understanding of the human body. A Level PE is incredibly interesting and can lead to many future career pathways such as sports science, physiotherapy, sports training/coaching and sports psychology. I thoroughly enjoy every lesson and would advise anyone who enjoys or is looking into sports or even bio-science to consider A Level PE as one of their subjects.

A Level Physical Education student

Areas of study & assessment

Opportunities for, and effects of, leading a healthy and active lifestyle; the way in which your body responds to exercise; how we learn skills and the impact of psychological factors on performance; the evolution of sport and society and the technological developments in sport.


  • University masterclass visits 
  • Wide variety of sports available as extra-curricular activities

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