Mental Health Links
On this page you will find information and resources which can offer support with regards to issues relating to your mental health. If you would like more support in relation to anything that you have seen in this section of the website, please see your Review Tutor, a member of the Achievement Coordinator team, or any member of staff to whom you feel comfortable talking.
Useful links
General Mental Health Kooth is your online mental wellbeing community. A judgement-free forum to get advice, help others and share your story
A young person friendly website giving information, support and self-help advice for a range of mental health/emotional health and wellbeing issues.
A website which offers information, support and self-help advice for a range of mental health and wellbeing issues. This is also useful for parents/carers and gives support on starting conversations about mental health at home.
A website giving information, support and self-help advice for a range of mental health issues.
Support in Birmingham
Pause is Birmingham’s city centre drop in service, based in Digbeth. The best bit about Pause is you don’t need an appointment; you can simply drop in for a chat about any aspect of your mental health.
Information on how to recognise depression and how you can help yourself. Advice is also given on what others can do to support someone with depression. There is also a fact sheet containing information about depression and self-help.
Cruse Bereavement Care is the leading national charity for bereaved people in England. Cruse offers young people face-to-face, telephone, email and website support after the death of someone close.
Winston’s Wish us a childhood bereavement charity in the UK. The charity offers a wide range of practical support and guidance to bereaved children, their families and professionals.
A fact sheet about managing stress.
Eating Disorders
BEST is the UK’s leading charity supporting anyone affected by eating disorders, anorexia, bulimia, EDNOS or any other difficulties with food, weight and shape. The website contains information about a range of eating disorders.
National Help Lines
Young people can get help and advice about a wide range of issues by calling 0800 1111. They can also talk to a counsellor online, send Childline an email or post on the message boards.
Samaritans is a registered charity aimed at providing emotional support to anyone in emotional distress, who is struggling to cope, or at risk of suicide. Their phone number is 116 123.
Papyrus provides confidential help and advice to young people and anyone worried about a young person.
An online directory to help you find counsellors and psychotherapists near you.
Wellbeing Apps
Calm Harm
Calm Harm provides tasks that help you resist or manage the urge to self-harm and it’s completely private and password protected.
Chill Panda
Learn to relax, manage your worries and improve your wellbeing with Chill Panda. The app measures your heart rate and suggests tasks to suit your state of mind. Tasks include simple breathing techniques and light exercises to take your mind off your worries.
Headspace: Guided Meditation
A 10 day beginner’s course that guides you through the essentials of meditation and mindfulness. It will give you a solid foundation on which to build your practice.
Mood Tracker, Mind Tyneside
Rate your mood and update your journal as often as you like. Track events, activities and triggers like exercise, medication and sleep. See how your mood changes over days, weeks and months. Look for patterns in your mood and behaviour.
Mindshift is an app designed to help teens and young adults cope with anxiety. It can help you change how you think about anxiety. Rather than trying to avoid anxiety, you can make an important shift and face it.