Year 7 National Offer Day – Monday 3rd March 2025
Please click the link below for more information about offers, refusals and our waiting list.



“At the beginning I couldn’t control my emotions which had a direct impact on my work at school and life at home. I found it very difficult to focus on anything and every little problem was amplified in my head. When I met my counsellor, I felt instantly comfortable around her. We had a clear agreement as to what the sessions would entail which gave me confidence and made me trust her. Through counselling, I found a safe space to learn to control and exercise my emotions in a safe way. It gave me the tools I needed to deal with any problems I will need to face in the future and cleared my head. It was amazing to have a space where I felt completely safe and happy to be myself. It has made me a stronger, more mature and more resilient person and has helped me deal with many of the difficulties I face day-to-day.” – Year 11 student reflecting on the impact of her Place2Be support.

“Lordswood Girls’ School’s quality of care with regards to the emotional needs of their students, is outstanding in my opinion. Owing to some complex circumstances, my daughter decided to take up the opportunity to undertake long term counselling through the place2be initiative and has found it enormously beneficial. It has helped her move forwards with regards to her understanding of herself and working through some difficult life situations. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend the service.” – Parent reflecting on the support his daughter received from Place2be.

What difference does Place2Be make in schools?

Place2Be is a national charity working in over 282 UK schools to improve the confidence and emotional well-being of students aged 4-18. We help young people develop resilience by supporting them when they are experiencing challenging life issues and helping them to develop self-confidence and lifelong coping skills. When they are supported in this way, they are able to learn more easily and that means less worry for parents.

How we help students

All students in Years 7 – 13 can find help with friendship issues and other daily worries by choosing to visit Place2Talk. These short lunch and break time sessions are open to individuals and to groups.  Place2Be also works with pupils one-to-one and in small groups, offering regular time-tabled support for those who will benefit most. The school’s Student Support Team will often refer students for this service.

How we help families

We routinely meet with parents to discuss any concerns they may have about their children. Place2Be also run A Place for Parents, offering adults counselling support for any issues they may have.

How we help teachers and school staff

Through its Place2Think service, Place2Be also supports teachers and school staff members to think through the emotional needs of pupils. School staff can consult our trained counsellors on specific issues and discuss solutions to creating better relationships with their students and promoting emotional health and well-being across the school.

How Place2Be works

The school has a dedicated Place2Be room where students can meet with a counsellor and talk about the challenges they are experiencing. As well as offering therapeutic support through talking and creative work, counsellors help young people to develop lifelong coping skills, increasing their self-confidence and enhancing their well-being and resilience. This helps them to engage productively in their own learning and develop positive relationships.

Times when we’re especially useful

There are times when young people feel particularly sad, confused, anxious or angry, due to family issues at home, or relationships with peers (both in person and online), and pressures at school. Some may become withdrawn; others may become demanding or challenging in their behaviour: that’s when having Place2Be in school is especially helpful.

Who is eligible for Place2Be?

Any student requiring emotional support for any reason.

Any questions?

You are welcome to talk to your Place2Be School Project Manager; either face-to-face or via telephone or email. At King Edward VI Lordswood School for Girls, our School Project Manager is Paulette Williams who works on Tuesdays, Wednesdays (morning only) and Fridays. You can contact them via email on 

To find out more about Place2Be, please visit our website:

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