Year 7 National Offer Day – Monday 3rd March 2025
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Supporting Charities

At King Edward VI Lordswood School for Girls we are very proud to support a number of charitable causes throughout the year. As part of their remit, the School Council and Student Leadership Team are responsible for organising all fundraising events and always ensure that local, national and international charities benefit from the School’s support.

As a whole school, King Edward VI Lordswood School for Girls annually raises money for  Children In Need, Comic Relief, Sport Relief and the British Legion Poppy Appeal and to date, has raised tens of thousands of pounds to support these causes over the years.  Individual year groups also support a charity of their choosing each year.  Charities such as Anti-racism Wear it red, DEC, Water Aid, NSPCC and UNICEF have all benefited from King Edward VI Lordswood School for Girls support in the past. Popular fundraisers include non-uniform days, raffles, photo booths, sponsored runs and splat the teacher!

2024 – 2025

Charity Fundraising calendared events throughout the year:-

In October, the school supports the anti-racism campaign ‘Wear it Red’ with students wearing an item of red clothing in return for a donation of £1

In November, students support ‘Children in need’ and they get behind the cause by wearing something spotty in order to raise money for the campaign that helps vulnerable children and young people who need it most, thrive and be the best they can be.

In December, students are able to make a food donation to the Salma food bank Smethwick.

In February, students support the mental health charity ‘Young Minds’ by wearing something yellow in return for a donation of £1

In March , students support ‘Red nose day’ for comic relief and wear non-uniform in return for a donation of £1

In July, the school has a charity week where the student leadership team organise a host of different activities for all students to get involved in. At the end of this week, on friday, is ‘Diversity Day’ where the school celebrates how diverse we are as  a school community by giving everyone the opportunity to express their identity, uniqueness, values or beliefs by wearing something that represents them. On this day there is a sports event between staff and students at lunchtime

Should a student have a suggestion for a fundraising activity for a specific charity, they are encouraged to speak to a member of the student leadership team or achievement coordinator.

Should a student have a suggestion for a fundraising activity for a specific charity, they are encouraged to speak to their school council rep or achievement coordinator.

2023 – 2024

Children in Need

On 17th November it was ‘Children in need’ day.  Students got behind the cause by wearing something spotty in order to raise money for the campaign that helps vulnerable children and young people who need it most, thrive and be the best they can be.

Staff and students raised £234.

‘Wear it RED’

On Friday 20th October, students wore red to show their support for the anti-racism campaign called ‘Wear it red! Show racism the red card” 

Staff and students raised £282

So the total amount of money raised this term by the Lordsdwood community is an impressive £516.

Thank you all so much for your generosity and supporting these worthy campaigns

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