3 Components:
- Performing 30%
A minimum of two performances, 1 solo, 1 ensemble ( 4-6 mins) - Composing 30%
Two compositions one free the other to a set brief (3-6 mins) - Appraising 40%I hour 15mins Listening external examination
set on extracts of music studied during the two year course
Year 10
Autumn Term
Unit 1 Performance
Introduction to GCSE Performance
Unit 3 Listening and Appraisal
Film Music
Spring Term
Unit 2 Composition
Introduction to GCSE Composition
Unit 3 Listening and Appraisal
Music for Ensemble
Summer Term
Unit 1 Performance
Solo Performing
Unit 2 Composition
Composition 1 ( Free )
Unit 3 Listening and Appraisal
Popular and World Music ( Set Work)
Year 11
Autumn Term
Unit 1 Performance
Solo and Ensemble practise/recording
Unit 2 Composition
Complete composition 1 , start composition 2 (set brief)
Unit 3 Listening and Appraisal
Musical Forms and Devices (Set Work)
Spring Term
Unit 1 Performance
Solo and Ensemble practice/recording
Unit 2 Composition
Complete composition 2 (Set Brief)
Unit 3 Listening and Appraisal
Revision of all areas of study
Summer Term
Assessment at Key stage 4
Written assessments each term on Listening and Appraising Topics using GCSE style questions
Interim composition checks and marking
Final compositions sent to Board for external marking
Interim Performance marking
Formal Internal Performance Marks sent to board
End of year 10 examination
Year 11 mocks ( Autumn and Spring terms)
Year 11 Eduqas GCSE examination ( 1 hour 15 mins )
How can parents help support their child’s learning?
Students should listen to a wide variety of music critically and attend concerts/performances when able
Youtube could be used to see various performances of key pieces of music
Enrichment opportunities
Students need to be able to sing or play an Instrument to meet the requirements of Component 2 of the course and therefore should be having lessons/ practising regularly. Performing in a choir and/or an instrumental group would also help
Extra-curricular clubs are available for students to join in school
GCSE course/s (exam board and code)