Year 7 National Offer Day – Monday 3rd March 2025
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Paper one of the GCSE is the in depth study of two world religions: Christianity and Islam. Students will be taught the beliefs and practices of the two faiths in relation to the sources of authority in each tradition, in addition to how individuals and communities in the United Kingdom express their beliefs.

In paper two of the GCSE, students explore philosophical and ethical studies in relation to the religious traditions of the United Kingdom. This will include studying religious and secular responses to ultimate questions on topics such as abortion, euthanasia, marriage, divorce, 21st century conflict, crime, punishment and human rights.

Year 10

Autumn Term

Study of Religion: Christian Beliefs
This topic covers the beliefs, teachings of Christianity, including beliefs about God, creation, the afterlife, Jesus Christ and salvation.

Study of Religion: Christianity Practices
This topic covers the beliefs, teachings and practices of Christianity. This includes different forms of worship, festivals, the role of the Church in the local and worldwide community.

Spring Term

Study of Religion: Islamic beliefs
This topic covers the beliefs and teachings of Islam. This includes beliefs about God, the prophethood, the Quran and the Imamate in Shia Islam.

Summer Term

Study of Religion: Islamic practices
This topic covers the beliefs, teachings and practices of Islam. This includes worship, the five pillars of Islam, festivals and rituals.

Year 11

Autumn Term

Thematic Studies: Religion and life
In Thematic studies they study philosophical and ethical issues relating to religion and early life. This includes exploring beliefs about the origins of the universe, abuse and use of the environment, use of animals, abortion, euthanasia, and the afterlife.

Thematic Studies: Religion, Crime and Punishment
These topics cover philosophical and ethical issues relating to crime and punishment. This includes exploring beliefs about reasons for crime, lawbreakers and different types of crime, suffering, the aims of punishment, the treatment of criminals, forgiveness, and the death penalty.

Spring Term

Thematic Studies: Religion, Relationships and Families
These topics cover philosophical and ethical issues relating to relationships and families. This includes exploring beliefs about human sexuality, sex before and outside of marrage, contraception and family planning, marriage, divorce, the nature and purpose of families, and gender equality.

Thematic Studies: Religion, Peace and Conflict
These topics cover philosophical and ethical issues relating to religion, peace and conflict. This includes exploring beliefs about violence, violent protest, terrorism, reasons for war, nuclear war, Just War Theory, Holy war, and pacifism.

Summer Term

Assessment at Key stage 4

Internal Assessments

Each sub-topic will be assessed throughout year 10 and year 11. There will also be an end of year internal mock examination in year 10 and a year 11 mock examination in the autumn term.  

External Assessment: 

Two papers, 1 hour 45 minutes each at the end of Y11 summer term.

How can parents help support their child’s learning?

  • AQA Religious Studies A: Christianity (Oxford press)
  • AQA Religious Studies A: Islam (Oxford press)
  • CGP revision guide
  • Utilise GCSEPOD
  • BBC bitesize

Enrichment opportunities

GCSE course/s (exam board and code)

AQA- 8062


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