Year 7 National Offer Day – Monday 3rd March 2025
Please click the link below for more information about offers, refusals and our waiting list.


Governing Body:

Samantha Calder-Terry – Chair of the Local Governing Body, Co-Chair of Finance and Premises Committee, Co-Chair of Curriculum and Pastoral Committee. PSHCE /Personal Education Link, Safeguarding Link.  Term of Office 31.03.2022 to 30.03.2026

My name is Samantha Calder-Terry; I’m an experienced Chair of Governors and I’m very much looking forward to taking on this joint role as a Co-Chair. My first governance post was as a parent governor in 2016 and my specialty is finance and resourcing. I have held various roles within the governing bodies at my children’s schools during those 8 years. 

I have worked in payroll services since graduating in 2000. I am now Head of Payroll at a Bureau in Birmingham City Centre.

Although I am not a parent governor, my child is a student at Lordswood. I am an ex-pupil and I attended the sixth form to complete my A Levels (where I in fact, met my husband)!

I hope to see you in the near future around the school. Your comments and views are much needed, valuable insights for the development of our board and school; please feel free to message or stop me for a quick chat if you see me.

Mohammed our elected parent governor is a graduate of Birmingham City University (BCU) and has completed
his Executive-MBA, MSc Data Networks and Security and BSc (HONS) Computer
Networks for Business. Mohammed has over 15 years of IT experience and in the
past served on the Board of Governors for City Road Primary School as a parent
governor and served as a staff governor for Birmingham City University representing
over 1500 professional services staff. Mohammed in the past has held MCITP,
MCSA, MCSE and MTA certifications from Microsoft and has held certifications from
Comptia, Oracle and Cisco.
His experience covers both the Retail and IT Sectors.

As Headteacher at King Edward VI Lordswood School for Girls, I am an ‘ex-officio’ member of the governing body – this means that I sit on the governing body due to my role within the school.  All head teachers attend governors meetings, they provide documents for the governing body – these documents help the governors to hold senior leaders to account.  As a headteacher I also provide support and guidance to the governing body, explaining educational terms, systems etc.  I also work with the governors to ensure that the school is fulfilling its duties to the best of its ability – we are a team that hold each other to account for the best of the students in our care.

Judy Johnson – Finance & Premises Committee Term of Office
10.09.2018 – 09.09.2026 .
Matthew Fox – Finance and Premises Committee, Support Staff Governor -Term of Office 29/09/2023 to 28/09/2027. .
Mary Oluwaseun, Trust Appointed Governor, member of Finance and Premises Committee, Term of Office 29.11.2023 – 28.11.2027
Jeremy Trewin – Curriculum & Pastoral Committee, Staff Governor –Term of Office 30.09.2022 – 29.09.2026

Bridget Kelly Co-opted Governor

04.07.2024 – 04.07.2026

Kamalpreet Bhartti Trust Appointed Governor. office began on 11th December 2024

Alison Wright Co-Opted began on 31/01/2025

Gillian Miller – Curriculum & Pastoral Committee -Term of Office 14.07.2021- 13.07.2025
Emma Aston – Curriculum & Pastoral Committee, Staff Governor –Term of Office 30.09.2022 – 29.09.2026

Lisa Taylor office began on 11th December Trust Appointed Governor.

Stephanie Parkes -Curriculum & Pastoral Committee, Careers link -Term of Office 28.09.2022 – 27.09.2026  .
H Whitehouse– Term of Office 28.09.2022 – 27.09.2026

Jeannette Weir– Clerk to the Governing Body 


King Edward VI Lordswood School for Girls
Knightlow Rd
B17 8QB


LSG-2024-25 Governors details and attendance

LSG-2023-24 Governors details and attendance

LSG Register of interest 2025

Declaration of Pecuniary and Personal Interest

Decision making matrix with destinations

Terms of reference.

Supplemental Funding Agreement For Lordswood Girls’ School And
Sixth Form Centre

Academy Trust Board

Academy Trust Board

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